Friday, March 29, 2013

Libyan Spearmen: WIP No.2

Whew, what a week. The arrival of nice weather, some drama at the office, a wonderful evening with my wife at Monty Python's Spamalot and some extra time with my son all combined to bring my available painting time down below average this week. I was able to get a very nice start on the first unit of Libyans however and once I get rolling on these they seem to paint up rather quickly. I have never been much of an assembly-line painter but I continue to try to improve in this area while maintaining quality by painting these figures up in batches of eight.

On an exciting side-note, I have ordered three models of ancient buildings and houses from GrandManner. Once I get these painted they will really add to the terrain of our current ancient games. Plus, I have grand visions of making a terrain board that includes a walled ancient city... so at least this is a step in that direction.

Have a great weekend everybody and happy painting!


  1. Looking good! Which grand manner buildings did you pick up?

    1. Thanks John. I ordered the single story large house, the 2 story building and the medium single story house.

  2. Interesting! I find batches of 8 ideal for painting as well.

    With all the love and care you put into your minis, high quality terrain is the icing on the cake. I'm going to have to check out your link.

    1. Thanks Monty. I'm looking forward to some terrain projects in the near future. :)

  3. That's funny Jonathan. I just bought a Roman barracks from them as well. I almost choked on the shipping though.

    1. That is awesome Aaron! I closed my eyes and just pushed the button on checkout when I saw the costs. :)

  4. I love the colours on these guys. Going to look great when they're finished.


  5. Thanks! I am looking forward to seeing the full unit based and ready for war.
