Saturday, June 15, 2013

Roman Hastati Completed

After what seemed far too long due to a summer vacation I have completed a unit of the Republican Roman hastati. All of the figures are by Aventine and were a real pleasure to paint with great detail and dynamic poses. This unit will be fielded as a small unit for games of Hail Caesar. The hastati, which were the younger (and poorer) front-line soldiers of the Republican army, have been given the Drilled special rule which allows them to make a free move even on a failed order as well as moving through friendly units without risk of disorder. Both will be exceptionally useful.

This base, for the time being, represents a single maniple. The maniples of the Republican army were comprised of two centuria, each led by a centurion and assisted by an optio, the signifer (standard-bearer) and the cornicen (horn-blower). I chose only to represent the centurion and signifer with actual figures since I wanted to keep the number of "fighting soldiers" higher for aesthetic reasons. Once I have completed enough of these units, a single base can then represent the smaller centuria.


  1. Very tidy! Am liking those a lot.

  2. Very nice, I love the dull red shield colour.

  3. Excellent work, Jonathan! They do look the part. I was just going back and looking at how you mapped this out in January. That was very clever as well.

  4. Well, I really like them, even though they're Romans

  5. Excellent Hastati! The other good thing in HC is they don't count towards units broken in a division.

  6. Excellent work on these little buggers.

  7. These really look good, glad to see you back at the table


  8. Thanks for the taking the time to comment everybody - I really appreciate it. I think these hastati turned out well and I'm looking forward to painting more!

  9. Looking good! Those figures are nice, and you've done them justice.


  10. Great paint jobs, you have skill. I have been wanting to switch to Aventine for awhile, I have read nothing but good reviews.


  11. Excellent looking unit, love the shields.

